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Место проведения мероприятия:

Кино по понедельникам на выставке "Кошерный и др."

MO 08.02.

Начало: 19:30
Организатор: Партнер по кооперации

»Еда, Inc.« Документальный фильм, США 2008, продолжительность: 71 мин.

Режиссёр: Роберт Кеннер

What do we know about the food we eat every day? Too little, thought
Robert Kenner, and decided to expose the food industry’s irresponsible methods of production. This is an industry which, in order to preserve its own profits, is not merely content to endanger the livelihood of so many farmers and countless farm workers; in addition, the hard-nosed economic concerns that govern large food companies also threaten the well-being of consumers. With its powerful imagery, Food Inc. portraits an upcoming catastrophe – and the consumer’s potential to stem the tide.

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Кино по понедельникам на выставке "Кошерный и др."

Место проведения

Jüdisches Museum

Lindenstr. 9 - 14
10969 Berlin
Тел.: (0 30) 25 99 3-300
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