„Start-Ups in Berlin: The Next Silicon Valley?“
Beginn: 18:00
Veranstalter: Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin
Kategorien: Diskussion
In Englisch
Berlin is gradually becoming a start-up powerhouse. Why has this happened and what are the economic effects? Will Berlin be the next Silicon Valley? If so, is Berlin ready? Are the existing structures and access to funds adequate? Why is this important for us?
Kay Iverson, CEO Market Logic Software AG, Berlin, Entrepreneur with nearly 20 years experience, Founder of various leading and venture backed software start-ups
Andreas Olmes, High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH, Bonn, Senior Investment manager of venture capital firm, Various leading roles in general start-up strategy consulting, In charge of negotiating equity investment
Andreas Braun, Professor of Business Economics, University Potsdam, Current research topics: Innovation management, Strategic innovation management, Business model innovation
Ort: Touro College Berlin
Anmeldung: Tel. 030 300 686 20, e-mail library@touroberlin.de
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