

Murder, Mystery and Egon Schiele’s »Dead City«

MO 18.05.

Beginn: 19:30
Veranstalter: Sonstige

Presentation by Raymond J. Dowd

In 1998, Egon Schiele’s »Dead City« made worldwide head­lines when New York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau seized the painting at the Museum of Modern Art. It originally belonged to the Jewish cabaret artist and film star Fritz Grünbaum. When the Germans invaded Austria in 1938, Grünbaum was imprisoned in Dachau where he died in 1941. Attorney Raymond J. Dowd reveals how Nazi agents laundered stolen art through Switzerland and tells a story of art, murder and betrayal.
The presentation will be in English.

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Veranstalter: Jüdisches Museum Berlin


Murder, Mystery and Egon Schiele’s »Dead City«


Jüdisches Museum

Lindenstr. 9 - 14
10969 Berlin
Tel.: (0 30) 25 99 3-488
zur Webseite


Mo 10:00 - 22:00

Di - So 10:00 - 20:00

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