

EJA Conference 2018 Brussels

DI 06.11.

Ende: 07.11.  
Veranstalter: Sonstige
Kategorien: Konferenz

On the 80th anniversary of the Kristallnacht, the annual EJA conference 2018 will be held in Brussels 6-7 November, at the European Parliament conference center.

Topics: anti-Semitism, inter-communal relations, freedom of religion, EU-Israeli relations, radicalism, the future of Judaism in Europe, the UNESCO decision on Jerusalem and BDS.

The conference is a place to gain input and to make your own voice heard at the heart of Europe to Key Decision makers, parliamentarians and diplomats.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to this event and to hear / share your thoughts on the different issues we will be discussing.

A special discount rate is available at a nearby hotel. You may, however, also only sign up for the conference.
The small fee covers kosher meals for all participants.

This year, on November 6-7, the European Jewish Association, uniting dozens of communities and thousands of Jews across the continent, is having its annual conference organized in Brussels, Belgium. Our main goal is to gather the EJA’s colleagues, partners, members and friends in order to discuss the most topical issues surrounding life of the Jewish diaspora in Europe and adjacent regions.
Topics: anti-Semitism, inter-communal relations, freedom of religion, EU-Israeli relations, radicalism, the future of Judaism in Europe, the UNESCO decision on Jerusalem and BDS.
In case of audience and speakers, we envisage approximately 150+ delegates (most probably more) coming from across Europe – leaders of Jewish communities and organizations, those involved in EU-Israeli relations, politicians, diplomats and representatives of the media, not to mention a number of sympathetic groups.
The conference will be open to and will welcome all people interested in coexistence - Jews and non-Jews alike.
The conference is organized in cooperation with a number of partners, including the Israel Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Action and Protection Foundation, United Hungarian Jewish Congregation, Simon Wiesenthal Centre, B’nai B’rith Europe, Christians for Israel, World Zionist Organization, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Rabbinical Centre of Europe and many others – just to name a few.
We have come together at this important, if not pivotal, moment in modern history to discuss the present and possible future of Jews and Jewish life in Europe as well as work out, by the conclusion of the conference, a blueprint for further action on the subjects discussed during these two days.
We would like to cordially invite you to attend the upcoming conference. We would be deeply honoured to have you with us, and it is thus our sincere hope that your schedule for early November may indeed permit such participation.
With the preparations towards the conference gradually under way, more information and various updates can be found on the dedicated website – www.ejaconference.eu.
We very much hope to hear from you soon and will gladly answer any further questions you may have in regards to the event.
then please reach out to my colleague Alex Benjamin or Dafna Friedman
Dafna Friedman
Communications and Campaigns Officer
Mobile: 0032 483362607
Office: 0032 27211640
Alex Benjamin
Tel 0032 47 605 64 50

Day one:
10:15 – 10:45. Registration.
10:45 – 11:15. Welcome remarks.
- Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Chairman of the European Jewish Association

- Rabbi Slomó Köves, Chief Rabbi of EMIH (Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation)
- Ambassador Ran Yishai, CEO at the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage
11:15 – 13:30. The current state of EU Jewry in times of deep political change in Europe:
Speakers/panelists include the following community leadership:
- Daniel Bonda, President of EMIH (Hungary)
- Tomáš Stern, President of the Jewish community of Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Benjamin Albalas, President at the Central Board of Jewish Communities (Greece)
- Danilo Medić, President of the Jewish community of Belgrade (Serbia)
- Ellen van Praagh, Chairwoman at the Inter-Provincial Chief Rabbinate of the Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Raphael Werner, President at the Forum of Jewish Organizations (Belgium)
- Sigmount Königsberg, Commissioner against anti-Semitism at the Jewish community in Berlin (Germany)
- Riccardo Pacifici, former head of the Jewish Community of Rome.
Open floor debate “What kind of engagement should or should not the Jewish communities have with political parties outside of the mainstream?”
Reports from selected communities and partner organisations. This opening discussion and sharing of information sets the scene for the conference. We are reporting and hearing about a continent-wide snapshot of Jewish life, challenges, threats and opportunities.
13:30. Buffet lunch and networking.
14:30 – 16:00. Special update and panel on the situation in the UK.
“Securing a future for British Jewry against the threat of political and criminal
antisemitism.” Inside the fight for British Jews with Gideon Falter, Chairman at the UK Campaign against Anti-Semitism.
Panel and Q&A with Gideon Falter, editor of a UK Jewish newspaper and a UK politician (names TBC).
Followed by continued open floor debate “What kind of engagement should or should not the Jewish communities have with mainstream political parties that become anti-Semitic?” 16:00 – 17:00. The freedom of religion in Europe – the Netherlands as a snapshot.
- Jaap Hartog, Former President at the Inter-Provincial Chief Rabbinate of the Netherlands
- Reverend Cornelis Kant, Executive Director at Christians for Israel International
- Brigitte Wielheesen, Journalist
- Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, Chief Rabbi at the Inter-Provincial Chief Rabbinate of the Netherlands
17:30 – 18:30. Jerusalem: Capital of co-existence BUT not of Israel? Jerusalem as a model of co-existence and its legal status.
Israel has been upholding the sanctity of co-existence of the three monotheistic religions

Day two:
09:00 – 10:00. From hate speech to “Kristallnacht” – Is Europe doing enough to counter hate rhetoric?
International March of the Living on experiences of rising populism and anti-Semitism, and lessons for today. Remarks by:
- Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations at the Simon Wiesenthal Centre
- Kálmán Szalai, Secretary at the Action and Protection Foundation (Hungary)
- Henri Nickels, Head of Sector Equality at the Equality and Citizens’ Rights Department of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (Austria)
10:00 – 11:00.
- Heads of political groups of the European Parliament (TBC)
- Yaakov Hagoel, Vice Chairman of the World Zionist Organization
11:30 – 13:00.
13:00 – 14:00. Conference address by Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator on combating anti-Semitism, followed by a finger buffet lunch.
14:00 – 14:10 – Opening of second session: remarks by Rosen Plevneliev, Former President of Bulgaria.
14:10 – 16:00. Keynote debate “How to combat the “new anti-Semitism” – anti-Israelism?”
Chaired and introductory remarks by Pascal Markowicz, Attorney at the Paris Bar and prominent anti-BDS activist and campaigner.
- David Hatchwell Altaras, President of the Jewish community of Madrid, ACOM (Spain)
- Ambassador Ran Yishai, CEO at the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage (Israel), on Jerusalem as a biotech and high-tech capital, and overcoming BDS
- Michal Zilberberg, EU Liaison Officer with HaAvoda
Special report by Andrew Tucker, Program Director at Thinc (The Hague Initiative for International Co-operation), author of Israel on Trial.
16:00 – 17:30. Red line plenary, oral amendments, followed by votes on final texts, close of conference.
Chaired by Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Chairman of the European Jewish Association.
17:45 – 18:30. Press conference and briefing in the EP Press Conference Room on conference conclusions and red lines.
Chaired by Yossi Lempkowicz, Editor-in-Chief at the European Jewish Press.
18:30. End-of-conference Cocktail at the EP.


EJA Conference 2018 Brussels
