

Berlin - Sussex: Dialogues on Jewish Past and Present

DO 28.05.

Beginn: 19:00
Veranstalter: Sonstige

»On the Question of Redemption: Messianism and the End of History«

What is redemption and will it ever come? The elementary crisis of the 21st century has endowed this messianic question with a new sense of virulence. In past and present forms of Judaism, Messianism opens up a wide range of conflicting priorities between religion and politics, Jewish law and the promise of return to the land of Israel.

The series of lectures and discussions explores the promise and the attraction of Messianism. The first event focuses on the relationship between imagined utopias, political movements and traditional Messianic concepts.
Pierre Bouretz (Centre d’Études Interdisciplinaires des Faits Religieux / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris), Sigrid Weigel (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin), chair: Christian Wiese (Director of the Centre for German-Jewish Studies at Sussex University).
The discussion will be in English.

Series of Lectures and Discussions Co-organized by the Jewish Museum Berlin and the Centre for German-Jewish Studies at the University of Sussex.

Eintritt: 3,00 € / 2,00 €

Reservierungen unter Tel: +49 (0)30 25 993 488 oder reservierung@jmberlin.de


Veranstalter: Jüdisches Museum Berlin

Berlin - Sussex: Dialogues on Jewish Past and Present


Jüdisches Museum

Lindenstr. 9 - 14
10969 Berlin
Tel.: (0 30) 25 99 3-488
zur Webseite


Mo 10:00 - 22:00

Di - So 10:00 - 20:00

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