A Biblical quiz
Beginn: 19:00
Veranstalter: Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin
Kategorien: Vortrag
Adina Ben Chorin (in Englisch)
The Bible is populated with innumerable male figures, from patriarchs to prophets to kings and warriors and holy men and wise men and simple men, named and unnamed.
But what about the women? Their numbers are much more limited. Even so, do we know who they are? Are some of us, men and women alike, named after them? Were our mothers or grandmothers named after them? Do we know their story? Maybe there are some surprises in store. Did you know that Devora is a bee! And that the Rabbis hold it against her?
Come and share your information and learn more about our ancestresses in the process. You may well be surprised.
Adina Ben-Chorin was born in the USA in 1939. She studied in Pennsylvania and Cincinnati and then later received her Master‘s degree in Urban Planning Hebrew Studies at Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and at Grath College Pennsylvania with a degree in translation – Judaica. She moved to Israel in 1965. She is married to Tovia Ben-Chorin, liberal Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Berlin and is working as a translator and teacher of Jewish Studies. Her main focus is Torah and the role of the woman.
Ort: Jüdisches Gemeindehaus, Kleiner Saal
Kosten: 5,- € / erm. 3,- €
Veranstalter: Jüdische Volkshochschule
Jüdisches Gemeindehaus
Fasanenstr. 79-80
10623 Berlin
Tel.: (0 30) 88 02 82 67 4
Fax: (0 30) 88 02 82 67 5
Mo – Do 9:00 – 17:00
Fr 9:00 – 15:00