Jewish High School

The Boys School of the Jewish Community was founded in 1826. The school building on Grosse Hamburger Strasse 27 was completed in 1862. The Nazis used the building as a deportation centre for Berlin Jews between 1942 and 1945. Later, under GDR (East German) authority, it was used as a vocational school.

Following extensive renovation, the school was returned to its former use in 1993, and now houses the Jewish High School. What began with 27 students has increased ten-fold.

The Jewish High School encompasses both the middle (including grades five through seven) and secondary school. The curriculum exceeds the prerequisites set by the Berlin school board. It also emphasises the acquisition of basic knowledge in Jewish history and religion. However, the school’s doors are also open to non-Jewish students. Regardless of faith, all students take Jewish religion and Hebrew classes, may enjoy a kosher lunch and observe the Jewish holidays.

The school also offers a wide array of study groups, cultural programming, class and field trips (see the school’s website,

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Jüdisches Gymnasium Moses Mendelssohn

Tel.: (0 30) 72 62 65 7-100
Fax: (0 30) 72 62 65 7-145



Dr. Aaron Eckstaedt

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