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TU 01.11.

Other |

"The freedom fighters" - Baruch Spiegel and Mansour Abu Rashid, retired generals, guest in Berlin

In English Details...

TU 01.11.

20:00 | Jüdisches Theater im Admiralspalast
Other |

Der Dybbuk - Zwischen zwei Welten

Habimah National Theatre of Israel Details...

TU 15.11.

Jewish Community to Berlin |

IAJLJ's Berlin Conference

The coming conference Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech in the... Details...

TH 24.11.

Other |

Continuity and Change in the Arab discourse on the Holocaust

Dr. Webman Details...

TU 29.11.

Other |

"History and Memory"

We would like to invite you warmly to the public panel discussion on... Details...

TH 01.12.

This is an event of the <br /> Jewish Community of Berlin. 19:00
Jewish Community to Berlin |

Radical Islam’s Cognitive Warfare: The Dysfunctions of Western News Media from Muhammad al Durah to the “Arab Spring”

In English Details...

SA 03.12.

Other |

A Horse for Hanukkah

"A horse who speaks Hebrew! This story of Hannah and her clever but... Details...


SA 25.04.

Shiur Shabbat

Synagoge Fraenkelufer

As always, you are warmly welcome to this Saturday's Shiur, which Josh Weiner will lead based on... Details...

TU 19.11.

Beyond Borders

Solo Concert & Reading by Elena Cheah Details...

MO 15.07.

Summer Camp at Bambinim

Bambinim Berlin/Jüdischer Familienclub für Babys, Kleinkinder und ihre Eltern

15.07.13 - 27.07.13 Details...

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