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„The Forgotten Doctors of the Holocaust: Making Tragic Ethical Choices in the Midst of Terror”

MO 18.07.

start: 19:00
organisers: Jewish Community to Berlin

German - English

Salutation: Dr. Chana Schütz

Moderation: Dr. Roman Skoblo

A Panel by Harold Harold Bursztajn, M.D., Geoffrey Brahmer, M.Div., Tessa Chelouche, M.D., und Jacob Holzer, M.D.

Four renowned Harvard-scholars will discuss the ethical dilemmas and unthinkable hardships confronted by Jewish health care workers during the Holocaust.  A case study by Harold Bursztajn, M.D., and Geoffrey Brahmer, M.Div., will examine critical decisions made by Jewish doctors and other medical personnel in the Lodz Ghetto.  Tessa Chelouche, M.D., will give a presentation about Jewish physicians who attempted to uphold their professional responsibilities despite their own imprisonment in ghettos and camps.  Jacob Holzer, M.D., will use Jurek Becker´s novel, Jacob the Liar, to analyze the role of the physician as community leader, consoler, and humorist in the face of terror, disease, starvation, and death. 

Location: Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin- Centrum Judaicum, Großer Saal, 3. Stock

Information: Tel. 030 88 02 84 51, h.simon@centrumjudaicum.de

Organizer: Die Bundesärztekammer, der Landesverband Jüdischer Ärzte und Psychologen Berlin e.V., die Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin und die Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin-Centrum Judaicum

„The Forgotten Doctors of the Holocaust: Making Tragic Ethical Choices in the Midst of Terror”


Centrum Judaicum - Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin

Oranienburger Str. 28-30
10117 Berlin