Jewish Cemeteries and Burial Culture in Europe Berlin, 3.-6. April 2011
23.February 2011 | press releases | community
International Conference of ICOMOS Germany and the Berlin Monument Authority in cooperation with the Jewish Community of Berlin, the Foundation New Synagogue – Centrum Judaicum and the Museum of Sepulchral Culture in Kassel
The ICOMOS Conference 2011 “Jewish Cemeteries and Burial Culture inEurope“ at the Jewish Cemetery in Berlin-Weissensee is the follow-upconference of the International conference in Munic in November 2005,hosted by ICOMOS Germany on “The Civil Death / Burial Urban Culture fromEnlightenment to the early 20th Century“.Decided on the initiative of the Berlin Jewish Community, Senate and Houseof Representatives of Berlin notified in 2006 to sign up the Jewish Cemeteryin Berlin-Weissensee for the proposal list of the Federal Republic of Germanyfor the nomination as a World Heritage Site.The responsible Senate departments and the Berlin Monument Authority,the Jewish Community and the Centrum Judaicum of Berlin have started in2007 a research and development project for assessment and evaluation ofmore than 110,000 grave monuments. In April 2008 those responsible andthe Technical University of Berlin were able to present first working results toan international group of experts.In connection with the inventory of grave monuments and the preparationof a nomination of the Jewish Cemetery Weissensee as a World Heritage Site,the current results will be presented at an international conference and arediscussed in the European context.